
Episode 17: Richard Miller

Richard’s Most Influential Teachers: Jean Klein TKV Desikachar Books he loves: Song of Myself, Walt Whitman The World is Flat, Thomas Friedman Inner World of Trauma, D. Kalsched Yoga Nidra, Richard Miller Website: Richard teaches around the US, Canada, and in Marin, California…

June 28, 2006

Upcoming interview: Richard Miller

Richard?s teachings come out of his direct experience of living truth as echoed in the timeless teachings of nondualism found in Advaita, Zen and Chan. He is recognized as a leader in the field of nondualism, honored by Yoga Journal and featured in American…

June 23, 2006

Episode 16: Bryan Kest Power Yoga

Episode 16 is an interview with Yoga Peeps founder Lara Cestone and yoga instructor Bryan Kest of Santa Monica, California. Bryan teaches yoga at his Santa Monica Power Yoga studios, on his cds and mp3s, and at workshops throughout the world. Bryan can be…

June 18, 2006

Episode 16: Bryan Kest Power Yoga

Bryan’s Influential Teachers: S.N. Goenka Paramahansa Yogananda Recommended Books: Wisdom of James Allen, James Allen Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda Courage, Osho Website: Downloadable classes: For a? 5% off discount,? use coupon code YPEEPS1806. It expires July 31, 2006…

June 18, 2006

Episode 15: Darren Main Yoga Tree SF

Episode 15 is an interview with Yoga Peeps founder Lara Cestone and Yoga Instructor, Author, and Director of the YogaTreeSF Teacher Training, Darren Main of San Francisco, California. Darren teaches yoga in San Francisco, and at workshops throughout the world. Darren can be found…

June 4, 2006

Episode 15: Darren Main Yoga Tree SF

Darren’s Influential Teachers:? Amrit Desai, Kripalu Paramhansa Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yogi Recommended Books:? Yoga an the Path of the Urban Mystic, Darren Main The Findhorn Book of Meditation, Darren Main Spiritual Journey’s Along the Yellow Brick Road, Darren Main Yoga and the Quest…

June 4, 2006

Episode 14: Russell Case Ashtanga South

Episode 14 is an interview with Yoga Peeps founder Lara Cestone and Ashtanga Yoga Instructor, Russell Case of Brighton, United Kingdom. Russell teaches yoga in Brighton, and travels yearly to Mysore, India. Russell can be found at In this episode, Lara and Russell…

May 22, 2006

Episode 14: Russell Case Ashtanga South

Russell’s Influencial Teachers: Sri K. Pattabhi Jois Sharath Rangaswamy Suddha Weixler Sharon Moon Guy Donahaye Books he loves: Rememberance of Things Past, Proust Catch 22 , Joseph Heller To contact Russell directly: website: mobile:+44 (0)7944 555508 e-mail: [email protected] Classes are held at: Brighton…

May 14, 2006

Upcoming interview: Russell Case Ashtanga South UK

Russell Case Russell was introduced to the practice in 1994 by Suddha Wiexler while studying at the Art Institute of Chicago. After graduating he lived in South Korea undertaking self practice. In 2001 his mentor in Texas, Sharon Moon told him to find a…

May 11, 2006

Upcoming interview:Bryan Kest

Now 41, Bryan Kest has been practicing yoga for more than 26 years. He initially studied in Hawaii with David Williams, the first person to bring Ashtanga yoga to America. He then studied in India with K. Pattabhi Jois, the main proponent of Ashtanga…

May 10, 2006