
Upcoming: Charles and Lisa Matkin

Charles is a third-generation yogi originally from Vancouver, Canada and was formally instructed in yoga and meditation when he was five years old. He received his Bachelor of Arts in Biology and Theatre from Maharishi International University, which included training in Ayurveda. He brings…

November 14, 2006

Upcoming: Stephanie Culen

Stephanie has been practicing yoga and movement for almost 20 years and has been teaching yoga since 2000. She has been featured in several lifestyle and fitness magazines including New York Magazine, Women’s Health, Quest and Baron Baptiste’s video “The Trainer’s Edge”. She is…

November 14, 2006

Upcoming: Steve Dwelley Ashtanga SantaBarbara

Steve was raised in Santa Barbara, graduated with distinction in Comparative Religions from Occidental College in Los Angeles and began training in Buddhist meditation in 1988. His first trip to India and Nepal in 1990 awakened a desire to involve the moving body in…

November 12, 2006
Yoga Peeps Videos

Sun Salutations with Lara

Click image for quicktime movie Here is a 20 minute video of the sun salutation series. We get a lot of requests from students and listeners for a good place to start your practice. Here is a vidcast which could be considered a beginner’s…

November 7, 2006

Episode 25: Jill Satterfield Vajra Yoga

Episode 25 is an interview with Yoga Peeps founder Lara Cestone and Yoga and Buddhist meditation instructor Jill Satterfield, of New York City. Jill teaches yoga and meditation in NYC at Vajra Yoga, and the Lineage Project, for incarcerated youth, as well as Kripalu,…

October 28, 2006

Episode 25: Jill Satterfield Vajra Yoga

Jill’s Influential Teachers: Ajahn Amaro Mingyur Rinpoche Naveen Mashon, Westchester, New York Rodney Yee BKS Iyengar Recommended Reading: Light on Yoga, Iyengar Pema Chodren Trungpa Rinpoche Letters to a Young Poet, Rilke Recommended websites: Insight Meditation Society ( Kripalu: Integrative Leadership Program…

October 28, 2006

Episode 24: David Kyle It’s Yoga PuertoRico

David’s Influential Teachers: Larry Schultz Reed Taylor B.K.S. Iyengar Osho Jesus Buddha Dalai Lama Bob Marley Children Recommended Reading: Iyengar Yoga: Science of the Soul, Osho How to Know God: The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali by Swami Prabhavananda (Translator), Christopher Isherwood (Translator), Patanjali Tao…

October 14, 2006

Episode 24: David Kyle It’s Yoga PR

Episode 24 is an interview with Yoga Peeps founder Lara Cestone and Yoga Instructor David Kyle, It’s Yoga Puerto Rico. David teaches yoga around the world, at It’s Yoga studios in Sweden, Venezuela, San Francisco, Mexico City and Miami. David can be found at…

October 14, 2006

Upcoming: Kira Ryder LuluBandas

Kira Ryder encourages exploration in the postures through focused attention and awareness of the breath. Her style balances strength, suppleness, and serenity with an emphasis on finding ease and grace in the practice. Kira began teaching yoga 10 years ago. She received her teacher…

October 10, 2006

Episode 23: Leah Kalish Yoga Ed

Books Leah Recommends: The Compassionate Classroom, Sura Hart and Victoria Hodson Awakening the Child Heart, Carla Hannaford Smart Moves: Why Learning is not all in your Head, Carla Hannaford and Candace B. Pert The Soul of Education, Rachael Kessler Yoga Education For Children by…

October 4, 2006