Episode 29 is an interview with Yoga Peeps founder Lara Cestone and Yoga Instructor Elissa Cobb, of Bristol, Vermont. Elissa teaches yoga in Bristol, and trains Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy practitioners from around the world. Elissa can be found at www.elissacobb.com and at www.pryt.com.…
Elissa’s Influential Teachers: James Gavin Todd Norian Karen Hasskarl Michael Lee Yoga Influences: Anusara Kripalu Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy Recommended Books: Turn Stress to Bliss, Michael Lee One Soul, Danna Faulds Emmanueal Books The Forgotten Body, Elissa Cobb (coming soon 2007) Websites: www.pryt.com For…
Elissa Cobb, M.A., A.C.E., A.C.S.M. has been practicing and teaching Yoga and other movement modalities for more than 20 years. She has a Master’s Degree in Embodiment Studies and is a Certified Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy Practitioner, Group Facilitator, and Yoga Teacher. She is…
Episode 28 is an interview with Yoga Peeps founder Lara Cestone and yoga instructor Stephanie Culen, of New York City. Stephanie teaches yoga in New York City, on her website, and at workshops throughout the world. Stephanie can be found at www.eastwestpoweryoga.com. In this…
Stephanie’s Influential Teachers: Lynn Simonson Eddie Stern Baron Baptiste Recommended Reading: Jivamukti Yoga, Sharon Gannon and David Life A Return to Love, Marianne Williamson Companion, Joseph Campbell The Bible, Old and New Testaments Websites: www.boomerangyoga.com – yoga events to fund children’s causes www.eastwestpoweryoga.com –…
Episode 27 is an interview with Yoga Peeps founder Lara Hedin and Yoga Instructor Steve Dwelley, of Santa Barbara, California. Steve teaches Mysore yoga at Santa Barbara Yoga Center and Yoga Soup. In this episode, Lara and Steve talk about the dialogue between teacher…
Influential Teachers: Sri K Pattabhi Jois Eric Schiffmann Chuck Miller Recommended Books: Yoga Mala, Pattabhi Jois Light on Yoga, BKS Iyengar Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (Choose 3 translations) Bhagavad Gita (Choose 3 translations) Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Swami Mukta Bodhananda Akaya Yoga Buti, Shankacharya Snow…
YogaPeeps is on the Yoga Journal website, “My Yoga Mentor”. A little while back I was contacted by a journalist, Brenda K. Plakans, about online yogis. She wanted to know how yoga instructors facillitate the practice of yoga online through websites, oniline classes and…
Episode 26 is an interview with Yoga Peeps founder Lara Cestone and yoga instructor Kira Ryder, of Ojai, California. Kira teaches yoga at her studio, LuluBandhas. Kira can be found at www.lulubandhas.com. In this episode, Lara and Kira talk about teaching what you want…
Kira’s Influencial Teachers: Christina Mcleod Russell Yamaguchi Sarah Powers Paul Grilley Eric Schiffmann Dana Flynn Joel Kramer Her husband, Eric Favorite Books: Kira’s favs: The Passionate Mind, Joel Kramer The Gift, Hafiz Moving into Stillness, Eric Schiffmann The Heart of Yoga, TKS Desikachar Lara’s…