Janice Gates, founding director of the Yoga Garden, developed a deep appreciation for hatha yoga while sitting her first silent meditation retreat in Thailand in 1989. She has spent the past seventeen years diving into both practices, exploring the integration of the two. Janice…
Paul Grilley has been teaching Yoga since 1980 and his special interest is the teaching of Anatomy. He practices Yoga postures in the style of Paulie Zink and patterns his philosophy on the writings and researches of Dr. Hiroshi Motoyama a Yogi and scientist…
Andrea is the owner and director of the Arkansas Yoga Center, and head of the teacher training program at AYC. She has been teaching yoga in Northwest Arkansas since moving from Hawaii 1993. Andrea is a certified Hatha yoga teacher, with training in the…
Joel’s Influential Teachers: Krishnamurti Diana Alstad Being Alive His students The teachings of Pattabhi Jois, BKS Iyengar, and TKS Desikachar Joel and Diana’s Books: The Passionate Mind, Joel Kramer The Guru Papers, Joel Kramer and Diana Alstad Website: www.joelkramer-dianaalstad.com Music: Dreamweaver, Reflections…
Episode 31 is is an interview with Yoga Peeps founder Lara Cestone and Joel Kramer and Diana Alstad of Bolinas, California. Joel and Diana teach yoga of the mind, the body, and relationship, in workshops and in their writings. They can be found at…
Here is a 20 minute fun flow to incorporate into your practice for a bit of fun, variety, or when you cannot get to your class. Take it easy, move with your breath, and modify when you need to. We start with sun salutations,…
Joel Kramer and Diana Alstad are co-authors of a book on hidden authoritarianism, The Guru Papers: Masks of Authoritarian Power (North Atlantic Books, 1993), that decodes social and spiritual? control and predicted the current escalating global morality wars.? They have taught and written together…
Desiree’s Most Influencial Teachers: John Friend Sally Kempton Books She Recommends: Real Love, Greg Baer The Power Of Now, Eckhart Tolle Power vs Force, Peter Hawkins Peeps she’d love to hear: People who work with people with AIDS in Africa Marianne Williamson Website: www.desireerumbaugh.com…
Episode 30 is an interview with Yoga Peeps founder Lara Cestone and Yoga Instructor Desiree Rumbaugh, of Chandler, Arizona. Desiree teaches yoga in Scottsdale, Arizona, around the world, and on her upcoming dvds. Desiree can be found at www.desireerumbaugh.com. In this episode, Lara and…
Desir?e Rumbaugh began her yoga training in 1987 and has been teaching since 1989. She has studied intensively with many Senior Iyengar teachers and received her Iyengar certification in 1994. Desir?e is a contributor to Yoga Journal and has been featured in several current…