
Slowing way down…

My apologies for my s l o w e r pace these days.? Usually I load a podcast weekly, or 3 a month.? I’ve slowed way down lately, as I am challenged by caring for my dogs, my life, work, my yoga practice, house…

April 11, 2007

Upcoming: Matthew Sweeney Australia

Matthew’s knowledge of Yoga encompasses 20 years of practice and 14 years experience as a teacher. His education includes Shiatsu massage, Yoga therapy, Iyengar Yoga and Ashtanga Yoga. Matthew’s teaching combines the tradition of Ashtanga Yoga with the therapeutic needs of each student. He…

March 26, 2007

Upcoming: Jasmine Tarkeshi Laughing Lotus

Jasmine was born into a mystical heritage where Eastern philosophy, spirituality, and pure creativity have saturated her whole life. Her teachings are inspiring, passionate and devotional and are always infused with her wisdom, humor, and creativity that come from a lifetime of Spiritual exploration.…

March 26, 2007

Episode 37: Charles Matkin

Episode 37 is an interview with Yoga Peeps Founder Lara Hedin and Yoga Instructor, Charles Matkin, of New York City. Charles teaches yoga at YogaWorks NYC, in private sessions, and on his and Lisa’s dvds. Charles can be found at In this episode,…

March 24, 2007

Episode 37: Charles Matkin

?Charles’s Most Influential Teachers: Lisa Bennett Matkin David Life & Sharon Gannon Mark Whitwell Leslie Kaminoff Kofi Busia Glenn Black Al Finger Barry Walker – Couple Therapy Books:? “Remember what you loved as a kid, and keep reading and learning about it”. Website:…

March 23, 2007

Episode 36: Hillary Rubin Anusara Yoga LA

Hillary’s Influential Teachers: Elena Brower John Friend Dr. Douglas Brooks Sally Kempton Naime Jezzeny Gurumayi Books she recommends: Meditate, Swami Muktananda Autobiography of a Yogi Tantric Quest, Yoga Spandakarika, Daniel Odier Bhagavad Gita, Stephen Mitchell The Spiritual Tourist, Mick Brown Creative Visualization, Shakti Gawain…

March 15, 2007

Episode 36: Hillary Rubin Anusara Yoga

Episode 36 is an interview with Yoga Peeps Founder Lara Hedin and Certified Anusara Yoga Instructor, Hillary Rubin, of Los Angeles, California. Hillary teaches Anusara Yoga at City Yoga, online in her Podcasts, and in private sessions. Hillary can be found at In…

March 15, 2007

Episode 35: Janice Gates Yogini

Episode 35 is an interview with Yoga Peeps Founder Lara and yoga instructor and author of Yogini, Janice Gates, of San Anselmo, California. Janice teaches at her studio Yoga Garden, Spirit Rock, and is VP of the International Association of Yoga Therapists. Janice can…

March 8, 2007

Episode 35: Janice Gates Yogini

Janice’s Most Influential Teachers: Angela Farmer Recommended Reading: Yogini:The Power of Women in Yoga, Janice Gates The Female Brain, Louann Md Brizendine Women in Overdrive, Nora Isaacs Yoga Therapy, A.G. Mohan Body Breath and Mind, A.G. Mohan Websites: Podcast Music:…

March 5, 2007