Karendayal is the founder and owner of Bliss Life Yoga. She is a 500 hour Registered Yoga Teacher with the Yoga Alliance and has earned additional certificates of training in Prana Vinyasa Flow? Yoga trained by Shiva Rea. Karendayal holds other specialized certificates of…
Episode 41 is an interview with Yogi Matthew Sweeney, of Byron Bay Australia, and Lara, Founder of Yogapeeps.com. Matthew teaches yoga in Byron Bay, in his books, and tours worldwide. He can be found at www.yogatemple.com. In this episode, Lara and Matthew talk about…
Most Influential Teachers: Shri K. Pattabhi Jois Sharath Jois Brendan Healey Ken Wilber Master Yoda Recommended Reading: Ashtanga Yoga, David Swenson Sivananda Books Cosmic Consciousness, Ken Wilber Ramesh Balsekar, Vedanta & Vipassana Website: www.yogatemple.com Podcast Music: Kaipirinya No Moto E, by 4 in the…
Episode 40 is an interview with Yoga Instructor, Kelly Morris, of NYC and Lara Hedin of YogaPeeps.com. Kelly teaches at www.theshala.com, and is on the faculty of Omega Institute. She can be found at www.kellymorrisyoga.com. In this episode, Lara and Kelly talk about finding…
Kelly’s Influential Teachers: Geshe Michael Roach Kristy-hia David Life & Sharon Gannon, Jivamukti Yoga Teacher Training Info & Schedule: www.theshala.com Website:www.kellymorrisyoga.com Email: [email protected] Phone: (212) 946-1700 Music: Artist: Morongo Song: Justice on a Budget…
This year Tao Porchon Lynch celebrated her 88th birthday in a very special way. Wearing a form-fitting red dress, four inch high heels and a red flower behind her ear, she and her 28-year-old partner won first prize in the Fred Astaire ballroom dancing…
Attracting NYC?s most advanced and discriminating practitioners, Kelly?s classes are intense, inspiring and relevant.? A lineage holder of the ancient, esoteric Gelukpa tradition of His Holiness the Dalai Lama as well as the more recent, exoteric Jivamukti tradition, Kelly?s? packed classes celebrate the holy…
Episode 39 is an interview with Yoga Peeps Founder Lara Hedin and Yoga Instructor, Doug Moss, of the Inland Empire, California. Doug is the owner of Green Tara Yoga.org. Doug can be found at www.dougmoss.com. In this episode, Lara and Doug talk Green Tara’s…
Doug’s Influential Teachers: Sarah Powers Tias Little Paul Grilley Ganga White Tracy Rich Peeps he Would Love to Hear: Sarah Powers Tias Little Tracy Rich Books: The Deeper Dimension of Yoga – Georg Feuerstein Yoga: The Spirt and Practice of Moving into Stillness –…
Episode 38 is an interview with Yoga Peeps Founder Lara Hedin and Yoga Instructor/Author/Entreprenuer, Kimberly Wilson, of Washington DC. Kimberly is the Creative Director of Tranquil Space Yoga Studio, is Author of Hip Tranquil Chick, and has a podcast, blog and clothing line. Kimberly…