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Podcast interviews


Episode 66: Hala Khouri Audio

April 28, 2009

Yoga Peeps Episode 66 is an interview with Hala Khouri, of Exhale, Venice, California. In this episode, Hala and Lara talk about how yoga keeps her in check, being willing to take what arises in the practice, teaching at-risk-youth, all being one, not being interested in fancy yoga any more, as she’s gotten more advanced, she’s gotten simpler, and being present playing Legos. To listen click: YogaPeeps_042809_Hala Khouri Interview Subscribe with iTunes ShowNotes About Hala…

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Episode 65: Kathryn Nicolai Ethos Yoga Audio

April 15, 2009

Yoga Peeps Episode 65 is an interview with Kathryn Nicolai, of Ethos Yoga in Holly, Michigan. In this episode, Kathryn and Lara talk about, high rates of depression, unemployment and obesity in Holly and Flint, Michigan, with the yoga practice your bad habits drop you, recognizing the element of change, a new epiphany daily, everything is yoga…, tradition doesn’t make things right, it just makes it old. To listen click: YogaPeeps_040909_KathrynNicolai Interview Subscribe with iTunes ShowNotes About Kathryn…

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Episode 64: Chandra Om Audio

March 23, 2009

Yoga Peeps Episode 64 is an interview with Chandra Om, of Raleigh, North Carolina. In this episode, Chandra and Lara talk about, you already being perfect, self realization as the reason for living, mother as guru, staying clean, humble, and sweet, ahimsa, ishvara pranidhana, doing the practice because it has to be done, your practice upholding the eternal dharma, Self and oneness with the multiplicity of universes. To listen click: This post has been removed at the request of Chandra.…

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Episode 63: Wade Morrisette

February 4, 2009

Yoga Peeps Episode 63 is an interview with Wade Morissette, of Vancouver, Canada. In this episode, Wade and Lara talk about teaching as a meditation, his new albums, walks on the beach, hanging in the sauna, mantras in the head, jatha yoga, vipassana meditation, allowing the yoga to support your positive tendencies and evolution. To listen click: YogaPeeps_020409_Wade Morissette Interview Subscribe with iTunes ShowNotes About Wade…

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Episode 62: Eddie Ellner Yoga Soup

January 23, 2009

Episode 62 is an interview with Eddie Ellner, of Yoga Soup in Santa Barbara, California and Lara Hedin, of In this episode, Eddie and Lara talk about his teachers, a wealth of books that have influenced him, and the “so what” of guru-hood and different yoga types. To listen click: YogaPeeps_012309_EddieEllner_Interview Subscribe with iTunes ShowNotes Eddie_Ellner Bio_Article Slower Connections: If you have choppy playback, right click the link and download the mp3 to your desktop (Firefox Save link as?)…

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Episode 61: Kara Leah Grant, New Zealand

January 18, 2009

Episode 61 is an interview with Kara Leah Grant, of Wellington, New Zealand, and Lara Hedin, of In this episode, Kara Leah and Lara talk about the NZ Ministry of Health, truth, surrender, planting seeds, the yoga of economics, and abundance. To listen click: YogaPeeps_011809_KaraLeahGrant_Interview Subscribe with iTunes ShowNotes Kara-Leah Grant?s Bio Slower Connections: If you have choppy playback, right click the link and download the mp3 to your desktop (Firefox Save link as?) (Internet Explorer Save target as?)…

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Episode 60: Seane Corn Audio Interview

November 26, 2008

Episode 60 is an interview with Seane Corn, of Exhale Yoga in Venice, California and Lara Hedin, of In this episode, Seane and Lara talk about nurturing herself, her beginnings at Life Cafe NYC, her teachers, YouthAIDS, Uganda, the DNC, www.offthematintotheworld, and more. To listen click: YogaPeeps_112608_SeaneCornInterview Subscribe with iTunes ShowNotes Seane?s Bio Slower Connections: If you have choppy playback, right click the link and download the mp3 to your desktop (Firefox Save link as?) (Internet Explorer Save target…

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Episode 59: Connie Chan Levitate Yoga Audio

October 31, 2008

Episode 59 is an interview with Connie Chan, Levitate Yoga in Times Square, New York, and Lara Hedin,? of In this episode, Connie and Lara talk about the Summer Solstice Yoga Celebration in Times Square,? yoga teachers as tour guides inward, walking meditation, VOTE-ing, and Santosha. To listen click: YogaPeeps_103108_ConnieChanInterview Subscribe with iTunes ShowNotes Connie?s Bio Slower Connections: If you have choppy playback, right click the link and download the mp3 to your desktop (Firefox Save link as?) (Internet…

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Episode 58: Rodney Yee & Colleen Saidman Yee

October 20, 2008

Episode 58 is an interview with Rodney Yee and Colleen Saidman Yee, of Sag Harbor, New York. In this episode, Rodney and Colleen talk about talk about their Gaiam Yoga Club,, their influential teachers, books they love, their practice now, nonviolence, truth and contentment. To listen click: YogaPeeps_102008_RodneyYeeColleenSaidmanYee Subscribe with iTunes ShowNotes Rodney & Colleen’s Bio Check out Colleen’s gorgeous new book:…

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Episode 57: Chaz Rough Podcast

October 14, 2008

Episode 57 is an interview with Chaz Rough, of Yogamazing, in Louisville, Kentucky and Lara Hedin,? of In this episode, Chaz and Lara talk about his iTunes video podcast, yoga helping others, Sting as a strong influence, and his journey sharing yoga with nearly 7 million people worldwide. To listen click: YogaPeeps_101408_ChazRough pc users: if you have choppy playback, right click the link and download the mp3 to your desktop (firefox save link as?) (internet explorer save target as?)…

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