
Episode 27: Steve Dwelley

November 26, 2006

Influential Teachers:

Sri K Pattabhi Jois

Eric Schiffmann

Chuck Miller

Recommended Books:

Yoga Mala, Pattabhi Jois

Light on Yoga, BKS Iyengar

Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (Choose 3 translations)

Bhagavad Gita (Choose 3 translations)

Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Swami Mukta Bodhananda

Akaya Yoga Buti, Shankacharya

Snow Leopard, Peter Mattheson

Sex, Ecology Spirituality, Ken Wilber

Integral Spirituality, Ken Wilber

Earth Household, Gary Snyder

Practice of the Wild, Gary Snyder

Turtle Island, Gary Synder

Mysterium Connectiosis, Carl Jung

The Magnus, John Foul



Liberta, 2012

Yogis Peeps:

Chuck Miller & Maty Ezraty

Eddie Stern

Tim Miller

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